sixty nine sets, a generic story about a political prisoner
5 min readMar 15, 2023
Why, he asked, why did you do it. These are my answers, to his question.
- From this reign of terror, spirit is unabled to return to the concreteness of the realms of culture…(Hegel)
- This documents how a woman became less alienated. A woman who is this thing. A gangstress who was/is jailed.
- A woman not a writer. He is a writer, became a writer, you can blame her for this
- She is this thing. a gangstress who was held as a hostage. A woman who is neither a writer nor a psychopath. He is a writer, became a writer, you can blame me for this. He writes, you read, you speak in voices hidden and masked
- Words are the smallest ideological units, he says. There are too many images.
- This is a story about a set of characters. None of whom is correctly named. This story also contains non-human characters. Some of them have purpose, most do not.
- The characters who feature in this thing, only one of whom is her, in this story that she is a multiplicity. There are two of us, then three. Already this is quite a crowd.
- There may appear to be a narrative in this story, but I can assure you that I am not a story.
- There is much difference, repetition and misrepresentation in this thing.
- The gangstress waiting to leave. Night and Day, the villain, a political prisoner waiting and hoping.
- The story is written in different tenses, but its about memories that have already happened. Sometimes in this thing it is written in the non-tense
- We were not innocent like Kafka’s Josef K. Nobody told lies about me and him, we did the things they arrested us for.
- She, that is I, trafficked people, drugs, bedrooms, guns and other things. He dealt in words and dreams. he was not innocent.
- We were in jail, mostly our cells overlapped, our beds overlapped, our lives intersected…
- My name is now Me-Ti, it used to be something else. (He insists I say ‘í’ not she, I scowl at him, he is laughing at me)
- I read Hegel in prison. I fell in love. There were no spaceships, no technology that refuses to talk to a character, music that cannot be heard, no mute keyboards. Words that have no meaning.
- I was not allowed a phone. My washing machine could not speak to me.
- the story which has ended has not ended cannot end.
- i am writing this in Moscow, i am writing this in London. i am writing this from memory. i am writing this because he asked me to. i am writing this because I have to.
- You and I read Hegel in prison.
- This act it gives up the specific quality of the ethical life, of being the simple certainty of immediate truth (Hegel)
- Talking voices just beyond your ability to understand them.
- It was tomorrow, wasn’t it? Or will it be yesterday? or will it be only the present after all ? The present after today?
- This story is written in my third language…This story is made up of a set of processes, the story is a process which desperately wants to leave with him.
- The story wants to be interrupted, the story comes with bookmarks, page numbers, chapters, sub-chapters, headings, music. A place, places and other places. There and here and over there. Geographical, networks, temporal.
- My forgetfulness is not noticed. Only the regret of leaving without him. We were separated.
- The thing is political. (i hate capitalization, who invented this ?)
- i read romantic comedies in prison. i read deleuze and kristeva in prison
- my name used to be something else, i became me-ti, i killed people, you killed people…
- the story is not linear. the story pretends to be linear, it misinforms you
- the story cannot go back to the state it was at the beginning.
- it is always about something. there are consequences. there are things.
- i held his hand in the convenience store, how did i let go of the hand of the political prisoner ?
- a thing in an empire of signs. talking voices just beyond our ability to understand them. the talking species.
- this thing is to be put on the shelf in the library on shelves painted modernist grey.
- my contraceptive implant stopped working.
- it’s not the beginnings and ends that count, but the middles
- it was tomorrow, wasn’t it? or will it be yesterday? or will it be only the present after all ? the present after today?
- the story is made up of a set of processes, it is a process which desperately wants to leave with him.
- the story wants to be interrupted, the story comes with bookmarks, page numbers, chapters, sub-chapters, headings, music. me and him.
- i was released because the gang aligned itself with the fascist state
- i am becoming other, i have become other
- a place, these places and other places, there and here and over there geographical and non-geographical networks, time and becoming.
- a thing is political, everything is political.
- i worked quietly between a hostage and running away, i became two, when threatened i left.
- a woman and her child travels across the world. with my baby on my hip I took the line of flight before they could harm it or me — what were the names of the people who were killed? did they mind being forgotten?
- this story is not linear. this story pretends to be linear, it misinforms you.
- a new name, a new identity. the baby’s name became shen-ti… is that why i did this?
- the story, like all stories is always already plagiaristic. the story cannot go back to the state it was at the beginning. i cannot speak of my life before i became a prisoner.
- it is always about something. there are consequences. there are things, there are non-things
- i am, finally, the story about somebody
- years pass, not too many, some. the child grows. i never forget to miss him. i find him released in a city, surveilled, tracked, living in a virtual prison. i make arrangements.
- i work for K, i am still a criminal, i work in black hotels, the police will never come for me.
- he teaches hegel, to teach hegel is to be a criminal in this society, he says.
- absolutely this is a thing that is a plagiarism.
- the thing is put on the shelf in a virtual library. In the place we live in the shelves are painted grey.
- i am becoming other, more arrangements are made through the black hotel. gardenia run by two ravens
- he leaves on a ship destined for vladivostok, travels by train, taxi and walking, it is winter in russia
- we meet again in moscow the black hotel, i introduce him to shen-ti, his child. i take him to london. he cries.
- i am this thing. a gangstress who has manipulated everything to see him. becoming…
- he was a political prisoner. we concede nothing, we dream the same dreams.
- sometimes he thinks the knock on the door is the secret police
- i am this thing. we have learnt to speak. we have never stopped speaking.
- i am this thing sitting in the black hotel.malcolm in new york with them.
- the child is quite big now, it can stand upright, i think this is about whether i should have another one
- this is all the prison i have been able to dream. i tell him.
- it’s enough, he says, after reading these lines of text, we cross the cathedral square.
- we are this thing the three of us together, already this is quite a crowd.
- I am this thing, call me me-ti