collisions (1)
colliding with others can result in wide range of consequences. Sometimes it was as little as a dull thud, or at the other extreme the collision can result in a flash of inspiration, sometimes even rarer enlightenment. Narrowly missing colliding with a bus as it brakes and which results in them standing on the side of the dusty road produces a moment of inspiration which may feel as if it would last for years to come. The impossibility of making yourself understood had become so constraining that it increasingly relieves you of any duties to the world, leaving you in a state of folly. If you leave your vehicle (covered in small dents) outside a convenience store and cafe, through a series of small collisions you buy food, magazine and a can of water. Colliding in the process with the door, some shelving, a child and the counter of the shop, the shop assistant will exhort you to be careful, insisting that we put ourselves back together. You are a mass of memories and bruises from these collisions… After sitting beneath the fan, the air colliding with your head and body, waiting with you freshly boiled water and a strange fruit tea bag, the assistant gave you a clap on the back so intense you think it may have harmed you. Like the kind of blow an enemy who is intent on reminding us that some collisions are needed to bring us back to the surface in a moment. In vain you try will try to avoid more collisions but even in midsummer; you will be worn out by these efforts and grow short of breath, to fall back exhausted…. And then no one still believes that every physical interaction consists of material bodies bumping into each other. Those who have tried to work out a completely mechanistic physics have been unable to explain common phenomena like liquidity, gravitation, magnetism and collisions..