about a sentence by sigmund freud — by Helmut Heissenbuttel

sz_duras - text
6 min readJan 23, 2025


machine translation in 2025, a perfectly lovely poem by Heissenbuttel


what is made cannot be unmade nor does something cease to be future if not visualised I believe that I know the present better to know the future better nothing is and is not but has not perished without a trace. kind of memory had been preserved darkened and distorted which from the background continued to work, as it were, from the background. clear to an attentive eye and yet can easily remain unobserved by most that this I, that is the soul through which I am what I am is completely distinguishable from the body and even


more recognisable and even if it were not would not end all that is the boundaries of my language are the limits of my world the unhappy consciousness divests itself of its independence and struggles to being-for-itself for things and thereby returns from self-consciousness to consciousness. consciousness back into the consciousness for which the object is a thing. which the object is a being a thing but that which is a thing is self-consciousness for not if not of one and the same nature is the nature of the world or there is no there is no being except bodies and souls


or whatever we perceive sensually and and no bodies where their distance is not is determinable for us the thinking imagining imagining subject does not exist dependent born born the same High and low Regovernors and governed, we are dependent on the one unchangeable predetermined law by which we were created before inventions existed beyond all ideas and sensations, even before every existence and bound in the eternal eternal pattern of the universe outside outside of which there is nothing for us to be born


the limits of my language are the limits of my world the subject does not belong to the world but it is a boundary of the world On the other hand, all this does not mean that that there must be any world at all or what the conditions of society of society or of human peace peace or in other words what the basic law of nature is after a violent easterly storm on the night of night which subsides at noon on 3 November 1861 I notice that the front surface of the iron railway embankment which consists of gravel on the sides sides is strangely patterned and layered


like slate so that I can tell to a fraction of a degree of a degree exactly from which direction the rain came from the saturnine pace of the matter had its deepest reason in the process of a complete transformation transformation which a metaphysical time of directly metaphysical and even theological thinking had to undergo in order to world of images had to undergo in order to to nourish a present constitution after a violent storm in the east on the night of night which subsides at noon on 3 November 1861 I notice that the front surface of the railway


of the railway embankment, which consists of gravel sides is strangely patterned and layered like slate so that I can tell to a fraction of a degree of a degree exactly from which direction the rain came from but did not gone under a kind of memory had darkened and distorted, which from the from the background, as it were all this is perfectly clear to an attentive attentive eye and yet can easily remain unobserved By most in his consciousness this consciousness speaks that whose conscious awareness it is as a


proposition it is the infinite judgement that the self is a thing a judgement that cancels itself nothing is to be feared nothing is true everything is permitted the unhappy consciousness empties itself of its independence and struggles its being-for-itself out to the thing it turns thereby returns from self-consciousness into consciousness into the consciousness for which the object is a being a thing but that which is thing is self-consciousness nothing is to be feared attentively examining what I am observing that I can imagine that I can imagine that I have no body and


that there is no world nor anything where I I am, but that I cannot imagine that I am not there and that on the contrary part from the same that I think the doubt of the the truth of the other things obviously and quite certainly follows that I am there but did not perish without a trace a kind of memory had been preserved darkened and distorted which from the background, as it were continued to work as something identical only from unanimously motivated experience and determinable only by unanimously motivated but beyond that a nothingness or more precisely for


which a ‘beyond’ is a contradictory meaning. Thank you, the world and life are one but did not perish without a trace a kind of memory had been preserved darkened and distorted that continued to work from the background the world and life are one are one the soul itself its immediate internal object but only in so far as it contains ideas or as that which responds to things responds with what is perceived the perceiver is is identical with what is seen he sees whatever is and whatever is possible, so the business of of insight is also identical with the insight


sight that has a similarity with it this similarity similarity is language the limits of my world language are the boundaries of my world but not perished without a trace a kind of memory had been preserved darkened and distorted which from the background continued to work in the same way after a violent storm in the night that subsided at noon on 3 November of 1861, I noticed that the front of the railway embankment of the railway embankment, which consists of gravel of gravel is strangely patterned on the sides is layered like slate so that I can tell to the I can tell to a fraction of a degree exactly


from which direction the rain came the boundaries of my language are the boundaries of my world the thinking imagining sub subject does not exist 21 June 1960 Present tense Praesens Cargo American Express London England the one who sees is identical with the is identical with what is seen he sees whatever is and whatever is possible so the business of seeing is the business of seeing is also identical with the sight that has a resemblance to it one cuts up cut and arrange the pieces into any combination any combination and what in truth can be said expresses itself in this way


that the being of the spirit is a bone what is made cannot be unmade nor does anything cease to be future if not realised on the other hand all this does not mean that there must be any world there must be any thing at all the entrance is the insight of unspoken language which is is the root of insight into everything and whoever this entrance cannot enter enter and what can be said in truth can be said is expressed in such a way that the being of the spirit is a bone what happens now is present in the past or future


do something now but would itself be present nothing but at the same time present and past at the same time even then namely it will last in us as now work in us and this duration will be through be through us just as the works are through us are that this I, that is the soul through which I am what I am from the body and is even more recognisable recognisable and even if it were not en- not everything that is nothing is to be feareone cuts up and arranges the pieces pieces in any combination



sz_duras - text
sz_duras - text

Written by sz_duras - text

difference/indifference, singularities, philosophy , text, atonality, multiplicities, equivalence, structure, constructivist, becoming unmediatized

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