[28] Materials for a new group theory — Heissenbuttel…

sz_duras - text
6 min readJun 20, 2024


25% are girls. Sometimes sponsors appear among them. Official reporting: there is only a slight tendency to become firmly organised. However, there is a recognisable tendency to merge into a circle of like-minded people. Badges are very popular. They lived in Pranksterstyle as a group with a name and a mission, which was music and the psychedelic vision. A majority of people (young people) who act as a unit because they find themselves in a situation that they perceive as a common one. Small groups that are connected by personal acquaintance are called primary groups. There are not only behavioural norms, there are also external material objects into which the group forces are projected, such as coats of arms, flags, emblems and badges. At this moment the group is born. It lives as the synthesis of the forces that resist death. It is the restricted group and, as a restricted group, the only one that is possible. Newspaper report of 27 July 1968: such groups were first observed in the Hamburg area in 1964/65. In the following years it became somewhat quieter again. According to Detective Inspector Holer, criminal tendencies have increased again since the beginning of the year. They know that they can’t live here and now without the others. But they don’t recognise the rules. The social process consists of the influences that heterogeneous groups exert on each other. Groups without past and future, of heterogeneous composition. It is about true opinion. The fact that they can communicate with d’Alembert, mediated by Andie W., makes them react all the more violently against what they see as his cynicism. They regard psychological explanations as bourgeois. They regard psychoanalysis as bourgeois. The group is founded in the synge- netic circle to which the individuals unite. Social sympathy develops from syngenism. Seen conventionally, this presents itself to the outside world as social egoism. 315 316 Appropriation of the group by oneself. Everyone renounces being themselves. They are to be found where things are happening. They say that among the ideas we generally have about the world, there are some that exert greater pressure on us to act in a certain direction. These are collective ideas. They lived in Pranksterstyle as a group with a name and a mission, which was music and the psychedelic vision. The fact that there are group phenomena at all gives rise to the idea that the group can develop its own individuality. 25 % are girls. Official reporting: due to the loose organisation in the groups, they constantly move the locations of their activities to other parts of the city. D’Alembert to Andie W.: These group meetings are rubbish. You sit around and talk and talk with no programme or idea of what you want to do, with a discussion leader who doesn’t discuss or lead anything and only sometimes says that he has a different opinion. Andie W. to d’Alembert: do you do anything else? Official reporting: they have relatively little funding. Up against the wall motherfucker. 25% are girls. In fact, when night falls on 26 July 1968, the singing, dancing and drinking starts and doesn’t stop all night. Andie W. to d’Alembert: they don’t come together to sublimate their libido. They want to eliminate the conflicts we are all involved in. The group is founded in the syngenetic circle to which the individuals unite. Social sympathy develops from syngenism. Seen conventionally, this presents itself to the outside world as social egoism. Appropriation of the group by oneself. Everyone renounces being themselves. 25 % are girls. Sometimes donors appear among them. Official reporting: there is only a slight tendency to become firmly organised. However, there is a recognisable tendency to merge into a circle of like-minded people. Badges are very popular. They lived in Pranksterstyle as a group srith a name and a mission, which was music and the psychedelic vision. A large number of people (young people act because they feel they are in a situation together. Small groups that are linked by personal acquaintance are called primary groups. There are not only behavioural norms, there are also external material objects into which the group forces are projected, such as weapons flags emblems badges. D’Alembert to Andie W.: These group sessions are rubbish. You sit around and talk and talk with no programme and no idea and no direction with a discussion leader who discusses nothing and leads nothing and only sometimes says that he has a different opinion. Andie W. to d’Alembert: do you do anything else? Official reporting: they have limited financial resources. When all claims to leadership have been rebuffed, even the slightest attempt at individual self-affirmation is perceived as arbitrary and dangerous. Up against the wall motherfucker. In fact, when darkness falls on 26 July 1968, the singing, dancing and drinking begins and doesn’t stop all night. Andie W. to d’Alembert: they don’t come together to sublimate their libido. They want to eliminate the conflicts we’re all involved in. D’Alembert to Andie W.: These group meetings are rubbish. You sit around and talk and talk without a programme or an idea or a conception, which is the same as a discussion leader who discusses nothing and says nothing and only sometimes says that he has a different opinion Andie W. to d’Alembert: do you do anything else? The new social process consists in the influences that heterogeneous bitter and imental insight. This evening curopa. They shout and laugh and are high to the di pen on each other. When the time comes door they have dragged a e a piano. They dismantle it and play on it. Then they burn it and the oldest living damn thing of call it stars. 1st hard to celebrate the end of a macaw. Friday 3I7 3I8 26 July 1968. they think D’Alembert is harmless. Andie W. they think is the potential traitor, the future ally of the coming man. Up against the wall motherfucker. Official reporting: they have little financial means at their disposal. 25 /o are girls. They negate bourgeois ideals, organisation, the compulsion to consume. They reject the official alternatives. Free is he who has no needs, they say. Do they expect tolerance from those who reject them? Only through love can the world be changed, they say. They suffer from the alienation of computer civilisation, they say. They accuse the older generation of mendacity. They set up communes and hold meetings. They are still disappointed. Official reporting: they have relatively few financial resources at their disposal. They are to be found where things are happening. They say that among the ideas we generally have about the world, there are some that put more pressure on us to act in a certain direction. These are collective ideas. They lived in Pranksterstyle as a group with a name and a mission, which was music and the psychedelic vision. The idea that the group can develop its own individuality is derived from the fact that there are group phenomena at all. The group is founded in the syngenetic circle to which the individuals unite. Social sympathy develops from syngenism. Conventionally speaking, this presents itself to the outside world as social egoism. Appropriation of the group by oneself. Everyone renounces being themselves. They are to be found where things are going on. You say that among the ideas we generally have about the world, there are some that exert a stronger pressure on us to act in a certain direction. These are collective ideas. They lived in Pranksterstyle as a group with a name anda vision, which was music and the psychedelic vision. The idea that the group can develop its own individuality is derived from the fact that there are group phenomena at all. The group is founded in the syngenetic circle to which the individuals unite. Social sympathy develops from syngenism. From a conventional point of view, this presents itself externally as social egoism. Appropriation of the group by oneself. Everyone renounces being themselves. D’Alembert to Andie W.: these group sessions are rubbish. You sit around and talk and talk without a programme and ideas and imagination with a discussion leader who discusses nothing and leads nothing and only sometimes says that he has a different opinion. Andie W. to d’Alembert: do you do something else? Official report: they have relatively little funding. They don’t recognise the rules. Groups without past and future, of heterogeneous composition. They consider psychological explanations to be bourgeois. They consider psychoanalysis to be bourgeois. The climate of the group should be taken for granted. The time will come when people will naturally no longer think of the individual, but of the group. Since the root of the evil does not lie in the individual as such, but in the reference system that is based on the individual, the solution must be sought here. The group still defines itself negatively. The world of order-loving, property- and career-loving citizens, the predetermined path to predetermined prosperity, the dependence on powers that guarantee order, career and prosperity, appears as a counter-world. They know that they cannot live without it. But they do not recognise the rules. 3I9

Machine Translation of Materialien zu einer newen Gruppentheorie



sz_duras - text
sz_duras - text

Written by sz_duras - text

difference/indifference, singularities, philosophy , text, atonality, multiplicities, equivalence, structure, constructivist, becoming unmediatized

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